Teaching, a profession for the future

Issue n°94, December 2023
An issue coordinated by: Alain Boissinot et Claude Lessard
How to recruit enough teachers and stop them quitting the profession are challenges facing all countries. This issue looks at 15 very different national contexts to understand the causes of this problem and describe the effects of the strategies implemented to remedy it.
While the varied situations analysed in this dossier reveal differences linked to social and historical contexts, constants also emerge pointing to critical factors. Recurring themes are the recognition of the profession, working conditions, how jobs are allocated and the quality of training.
Comparing the policies implemented to improve recruitment raises three important issues: the type of commitment offered to teachers, the effectiveness of training schemes, and the ability to boost and enhance career development. But beyond the difficulty in attracting people to the teaching profession, what is perhaps also at stake is a more fundamental question: what place is there today for a shared, mobilizing teaching project, and for recognition of the essential figure of the teacher in building the future, in a world made fragile by the multiplicity and uncertainty of sources?
Case studies :
Belgium, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Germany, Japan, Reunion Island, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte, Quebec, Senegal, Tunisia, U.S.A.
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