ENIC-NARIC France centre

The ENIC-NARIC France centre has been affiliated with France Éducation international since 2004. Its goal is to facilitate international mobility through the recognition of qualifications. It is also a member of the ENIC-NARIC international network.
Affiliated with France Éducation international (formerly known as CIEP, Centre international d’études pédagogiques, until 2019) since 2004, the ENIC-NARIC France (European Network of Information Centres – National Academic Recognition Information Centres) centre is the French information centre for the academic recognition of foreign qualifications. It helps to promote international mobility while facilitating understanding of academic systems. The ENIC-NARIC France centre is part of the ENIC-NARIC international network, which is made up of 57 information centres coordinated jointly by the European Commission, UNESCO and the Council of Europe.
The primary missions and activities of the ENIC-NARIC France centre are the following:
- Evaluating foreign qualifications and issuing statements of comparability and statements of recognition for education/training;
- Issuing an expert opinion on qualifications and both national and foreign academic systems to institutes of higher education, ministerial and interministerial commissions and centres in the ENIC-NARIC network;
- Giving individuals and institutes information on the regulated professions governed by European Directive 2005/36/EC;
- Providing guidance and information on the French higher education system and its qualifications, especially in the context of implementing the Bologna Process and the Lisbon Recognition Convention;
- Taking part in European Erasmus+ projects as a coordinator or partner.
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À lire dans cette rubrique
Dans un contexte de mondialisation de l’éducation, de la mobilité internationale des étudiants et de l’emploi, le Conseil de l’Union européenne a adopté une recommandation le 26 novembre 2018 en faveur de la reconnaissance mutuelle automatique des qualifications du supérieur et du secondaire ainsi que des acquis de périodes d’apprentissage effectuées à l’étranger.
Le réseau ENIC-NARIC a pour objectif de mettre en place des politiques et pratiques communes de reconnaissance des certifications dans l’ensemble des États membres du réseau.
Le centre ENIC-NARIC France s’implique activement dans des projets internationaux aux côtés de ses homologues étrangers. Plusieurs projets internationaux sont en cours de réalisation, d’autres ont été finalisés. Des rapports d’activités de fin de projets sont systématiquement rédigés.