I want to declare a disability

As a public service provider, France Éducation international combats all forms of discrimination and guarantees equal treatment for candidates, which is a philosophy shared among all of the approved DILF, DELF, DALF and TCF exam centres.
Conditions and rules
In accordance with the law of 11 February 2005 and the circular from the Ministry of National Education, the exam centres must provide all candidates who declare a disability that impacts their physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological function with a physical set-up or personal assistance enabling them to participate in the tests under working conditions that ensure all candidates are treated equally. Alternatively, they can be exempt from one of the competencies.
Modifications to DILF, DELF, DALF or TCF tests (e.g. substituting an exercise) are not an option.
To organise adjustments, the candidate must provide the exam centre with a recent medical certificate at least two months before the date of the session.
The medical certificate must be dated in at least the last two years. It can be written in French or another language that can be understood by the manager of the centre. The certificate must come from a medical authority and include a diagnosis with recommended adjustments for a foreign-language exam or test.
The process for declaring a disability to the exam centre is as follows:
- The candidate has an appointment with their doctor (or a medical authority) to obtain a medical certificate that details the recommended adjustments.
- The candidate provides the exam centre with the medical certificate at least two months before the date of the session.
- The exam centre takes note of the medical certificate, analyses the recommended adjustments (with support from France Éducation international services, if necessary) and confirms the candidate’s registration and the arrangements for exam sessions.
- The exam centre plans the exam sessions in line with the recommended adjustments and organises the required staff.

Possible adjustments
There are many possible adjustments, as these are specific to each case of disability.
Here are some example of common adjustments:
- Extended time for the tests: the candidate may receive additional time to complete the tests.
- Modified room: the candidate may be seated in an individual room, away from other candidates, with an invigilator.
- Personal support: the candidate may be given a scribe to help them read or write.
- Technical support: the candidate may receive technical support with specific equipment, such as headphones, a larger copy, etc.

The exams and tests are also available in braille. Candidates are asked to plan their registration (at least 2 months before the date of the session) so that managers at the centre are able to order the equipment from France Éducation international in sufficient time.
Exemption from a competency is also possible (such as listening comprehension). In this case, the candidate will not be excluded and they will complete the other parts of the test.
If candidates have any questions, they should contact their exam centre, which will follow the guidance provided by France Éducation international.
Reference texts
Law n° 2005-102 of 11 February 2005 : https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000809647&categorieLien=id
Circular n° 2015-127 of 3-8-2015 : https://www.education.gouv.fr/pid285/bulletin_officiel.html?cid_bo=91832