DELF junior/scolaire

The diploma in French language studies (DELF) for adolescents, the “junior/scolaire” version, is an official diploma issued by the Ministry of National Education. There are 4 diplomas that correspond to the first 4 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1 and DELF B2.
General information
DELF is an official, high-quality diploma, harmonised with the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
This diploma is recognised throughout the world and is valid for life.
Depending on the level achieved, the DELF can facilitate acceptance to university in France, Europe or a French-speaking countries and to some grandes écoles universities.
Target groups
The DELF "junior/scholastic" is aimed at adolescents, both foreigners and French, who want to improve their French language skills.
The "junior/scholastic" version implies that only themes of interest to young people are included in the exercises. Indeed, the DELF exams assess communication skills. A young learner will be placed in a context that will make it easier for him/her to react in the "junior/school" version; he/she will thus be able to demonstrate all his/her skills to the evaluators.
The DELF diploma for the "junior/school" version has the same value as a diploma for the "general public" adult version. The exam version is not indicated on the diploma.
Differences between “junior” and “scolaire”
The “junior/scolaire” version of the DELF can be divided into two variations: the DELF “junior” and the DELF “scolaire”.
The competences assessed and the categories of topics covered in the DELF "junior" and DELF "scolaire" examinations are identical. It is the framework in which the exams are organised that varies. You can consult the specificities of these different frameworks below.
Le DELF scolaire
Le DELF dit « scolaire » fait l’objet de conventions permettant de faciliter l’accès aux examens à des élèves d’établissements du second degré. En France, les élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés en France inscrits dans le système scolaire depuis moins de 4 ans et bénéficiant d’un enseignement de français langue étrangère ou seconde peuvent se présenter aux examens du DELF. Les services des rectorats, avec l’aide de France Éducation international, organisent ainsi deux sessions du DELF scolaire par an dans les collèges du territoire français. Les inscriptions sont gratuites pour les familles des élèves concernés. À l’étranger, le DELF « scolaire » relève d’une coopération entre les services des ambassades de France et les autorités éducatives locales. De nombreux projets visent ainsi à inscrire le DELF dans les établissements publics à l’étranger (collèges et lycées).
Le DELF junior
Le DELF dit « junior » est la déclinaison mise en place pour les adolescents en dehors du contexte scolaire. Lorsqu’aucune convention n’encadre la mise en place des examens du DELF pour des apprenants adolescents, le centre agréé organise des sessions dites « junior ».
Levels assessed
The DELF “junior/scolaire” is made up of 4 separate diplomas that correspond to the CEFR levels DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1 and DELF B2.
- Basic User > A1 > DELF A1
- Basic User > A2 > DELF A2
- Independent User > B1 > DELF B1
- Independent User > B2 > DELF B2
About the 4 exams
Click on the different levels below to choose the level that matches your abilities in French, to learn more about the tests, to read our advice and to download guides for candidates:
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