France Éducation international at the heart of the Indian Ocean

Since it was set up on the island of La Réunion in 2000, the France Éducation international regional centre has been developing cooperation initiatives in the Indian Ocean and Eastern and Southern Africa region. It is the FEI’s only overseas branch, and its premises are located on Tampon Campus of the University of Réunion. The team, made up of seven agents, is involved in many projects and is supported by the regional education authority of Réunion Island, the Réunion Island Regional Council, and the town of Le Tampon.
Some of the recent cooperation initiatives that were brought to fruition were an opportunity to work closely with local institutions. Two initiatives were conducted in the Comoros: a programme to raise awareness about sustainable development among pupils (in partnership with the NGO MAEECHA) and a training course designed to strengthen teaching at Moroni High School, especially in the fields of science and technology.
In Kenya, a project called PAMEFK has improved French-language teaching through ongoing training for teachers, achieved with help from Kenyatta University, the Ministry of Education of Kenya and the Alliance Française de Nairobi.
In Mauritius, the regional programme for educational inclusion (PRISM 2, Programme Régional pour une Inclusion Scolaire) has followed on from PRISM 1, launched in 2017. Together with the Ministry of Education, the Département of Réunion Island and France Éducation international, 24 trainers have been prepared to support and raise awareness among 125 teachers in Mauritius.
As part of a partnership between the Republic of Madagascar and the Réunion Island Regional Council, a training programme for Malagasy civil servants in French on specific objectives was organised on Tampon Campus of the University of Réunion. The programme helped 15 Malagasy diplomats to thoroughly strengthen their professional language skills.
The team at the FEI regional centre continues to develop programmes designed to strengthen the skills of teachers in Tuléar and Fort Dauphin, in Tanzania and in Kenya. Many ambitious cooperation projects are yet to come and will benefit from FEI’s expertise, including in Mozambique, in the Comoros, in Malawi and in Madagascar, with new developments expected in the near future.